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'...With God all things are possible" Mathews 19:26
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Todas as terças-feiras às 15hs Brasil
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Uma vida dedicada ao evangelho
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Every friday 3pm in Brazil
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A life dedicated to the gospel

Greater Is He that is in me than he that is in the world!

Our God is bigger than any problem, obstacle or challenge!

He's bigger than anything this life can throw at you!

Be strong in God! You are an overcomer! Be of good courage today because our God is greater than sin, sickness, and disease. God is greater than lack, want, or need.

God is greater than any challenge that comes into your life.

God is greater than any adversity that comes against you.

He is greater than your own doubts, insecurities, or uncertainties.

He is greater than anything this life can throw at you.

God has removed your sins from you as far as the east is from the west,
He remembers them no more.

He love you with an everlasting unconditional love.

You can't earn it and you don't deserve it but because of His great love He sent His Son who paid the price for you.

You belong to God and Satan has no power over you!

God has given you all things that pertain unto life and godliness and He has made you a partaker of His divine nature.

We break every assignment that the enemy had set against you and your family and we break every stronghold of the enemy over your life!

Be free in Jesus name. The enemy has lost this one! He is defeated and we enforce that victory in your life.

We lift you up in prayer and say, The Lord is your Maker. He will restore and it will be better than before.

Father God, we come before your throne room of grace with praise and thanksgiving and bless Your Holy Name.

We pray the prayer of agreement with all our friends in Christ, Father, as we worship You in spirit and in truth.

We thank You that You have told us to come boldly and humbly into the throne room with our requests.

We thank You that You have told us to ask, seek, and knock.

We thank You that Jesus said whoever prays in His Name will be heard by You.

We pray aloud for each prayer request, coming into total agreement with our friends in Christ , and we thank You that we have been heard and blessed by our time with You.

We walk in peace, love, and contentment, Father, as we continually praise You for answered prayer.

We always pray in His Name. Amen and Amen.

by June Wood

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Que Deus em sua infinita graça te abençoe ricamente
Pastora Missionária Rejane Basile Barr

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