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'...With God all things are possible" Mathews 19:26
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Todas as terças-feiras às 15hs Brasil
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Uma vida dedicada ao evangelho
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Every friday 3pm in Brazil
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A life dedicated to the gospel


Anyone who has climbed a tree? How long have you do not climb a tree?Usually, children climb trees. Few adults usually do that. Do when they are desperate, or when in leisure time or reliving their childhood.  Luke 19:1-10
Today salvation has come to (V, 9).  The Gospel of Jesus Christ comes down to proclaim that Jesus Christ came to seek and save what was lost.The day that salvation came into our homes, or day that salvation will come in your house will be a day that marks the history of their lives.

Jesus makes reference to that: "This man (Zacchaeus) is also the son of Abraham. This is fantastic! A man hitherto sinner has a new life.

In this context, salvation refers to inner health, salvation of the soul. He is the son of Abraham. The blessings of the covenant God made with Abraham and those who called themselves "children of Abraham" (Gal. 3:7). Salvation came in the house of Zacchaeus not by the blood he had inherited, but because of his faith.

Change of Life (V.8).  Zacchaeus had something popularly called "change of life." Look at some of his words:

"I'm giving half of my possessions to the poor." "If the cheated anybody out of anything, I restore fourfold."

He decided to give half his possessions to the poor, and did not try to keep the other part, but it uses the rest to do good (or repair what he had done.

Zacchaeus knew who he "should". We can clearly see that even though he has a second life that was not what God had taught, he was willing to try, and with that comes a challenge:
Winning people (V.7):  The people saw this and began to complain. Often this is so, we hear that someone is in the church and soon after heard anything bad about her: "He was a thief and is now in the church." The bad thing is that when they speak directly to the person: "You're in the church to steal it?" As in the story of Zacchaeus, many people have been converted and restored many of them have their way of living to please God.

The people are a barrier to be overcome.  In other stories we see that the people (crowd) was on the way and often hindered the search for what people were doing.

Zacchaeus was determined to see Jesus, and nothing stopped him (vs. 3 and 4). For him, mingling with the crowd was something that required courage. What we were and in some cases still are, hinders us to be like Zacchaeus. If we think: "If I change, my friends and relatives think of me?" We run the risk of never truly we change.

In Jesus, Zacchaeus met a new friend. And we also found a friend in Christ, and that can change our lives.

Do you feel esteemed by God?

Isaiah 66.2 NOT MY HANDS did all these things, and so came into being?


THIS Esteem: the humble and contrite of spirit, who trembles at My Word.

God grants His mercy to the humble, but curses the proud and self-sufficient (see Luke 51-53).

Our society encourages us to assertiveness and self-assertion. Do not allow your freedom of choice and their right to take his life away from the path of God, which leads to eternal life. (Bible study personal application) One of the good things in this life, is able to feel the appreciation of family and friends about us.

He who does not feel loved by family and friends, becomes a lonely, sad, abandoned and rejected. If it's great to be esteemed by men, imagine being the target of the esteem of God, one who is the creator of all things and supreme king of the universe. It is the glory! We turn to the biblical text and see whom God values, "the humble and contrite of spirit, who trembles at My Word."

HUMBLE: Humility is precious in the eyes of God (1 Peter 3.4) - reveals that more grace is given to those who have (Psalm 25.9 - Tg 4.6) - keeps the soul in peace and contentment (Ps. 69.32,33), and generates patience and endurance in times of great misfortune (Job 1:21).

Jesus gave us the great example of humility (Phil. 2:6 to 8). The greatest promise of happiness are made to the humble (Ps. 147.6 - is 57.15 - 05.05 Mt - 1 Peter 5:5). (Bíblianet) The glorious Word of God, leaves no doubt. God values the meek. His grace is poured in a heart that judges are not self-sufficient, rather than put all their trust in Almighty God. The humble, you know that depends entirely on God.

contrite spirit: For the humble and repentant, the Lord God had a gracious promise: He who dwells in the "high and holy place," personal habits "with the contrite and humble spirit ". "Contrite" refers to anyone who feels oppressed by sin and seeking liberation from this bondage. (See Isaiah 57:15) (Pentecostal study Bible) When we recognize our miserable condition of the sinner, repenting of our sins , and leaving aside the sinful pleasures of this world, we become of by God.

FOR REFLECTION: Do you feel esteemed by God?

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