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'...With God all things are possible" Mathews 19:26
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Uma vida dedicada ao evangelho
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A life dedicated to the gospel

Prayer and work

N Chapters 1 and 2 of the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah learned of the situation they found the people of Israel, so he wept and lamented much. Raised his prayer to God and cried out for mercy to those who loved him and keeping his commandments.

The people had been separated - some were in exile, others in the province. Nehemiah also made ​​it clear that the error stemmed from the very people who had transgressed the word of God. In his prayer he says to God that in spite of sins, they were still his servants and the people who had been rescued with great power by his mighty hand.

Nehemiah used his influence with the king Ataxerxes to get rebuilt, along with the people, the walls of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed. By achieving the authorization cards and that he be allowed to come into Judah, because the good hand of God was with him, Nehemiah encourages the people to rebuild the walls and the work begins.

With these passages we see the importance of unity and cooperation so that a proposal is carried out. The people of Israel suffered the consequences of their sins and that God is not delighted. Nehemiah, suffering by the people who lost the companionship of God, prayed and asked for mercy. When people join to rebuilding the city walls, we see their willingness to serve God.

Today, we have the same duty that Nehemiah, to maintain our strength in the foot, which is the word of God.

If the work of spreading the word and spiritual growth of Christians are weakening, we, like Nehemiah, pray to God, acknowledging sin that part of ourselves and we know the eternal promise. We must join forces with the congregation to not overshadow the work and remain abandoned, as was the case during the decades before the return of Nehemiah, the city walls of Jerusalem.

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Que Deus em sua infinita graça te abençoe ricamente
Pastora Missionária Rejane Basile Barr

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