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'...With God all things are possible" Mathews 19:26
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Todas as terças-feiras às 15hs Brasil
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Uma vida dedicada ao evangelho
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Every friday 3pm in Brazil
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A life dedicated to the gospel

About struggles, praise

Today let's talk about fighting for I know that the fight is great but I have faith that God is already preparing your victory, just trust and follow.

In the Lord's time everything will be alright, even if the fight was great but your God is greater trust and your victory will be larger, have faith and believe.

When it's something to think about fighting in your life remember that God loves you and was on the cross so you could be here so praise Him, thank every single day that you get out of your bed and see the sun, another day, as many did not rise to see this beautiful day that God is allowing you to see, has been a miracle in your life!

Do not complain because our words have power and everything planted, harvested. Plant good things, so you can reap wonderful things.

About struggles, praise!

If the fight is great praise, know that God is with you at all times.

God allows struggles to come over your life and allowed Job's struggles in life but in the end will be a great victory.

You may be humbled now but God will exalt you then do not give up amidst the struggle, do not stop fighting.

God will never forsake his child and let that be ashamed and helpless.

Keep strong and God will give you victory, even harder to continue with the struggle for thy blessing will be great. What do you think about fighting ? Review, God bless you!

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Obrigada por visitar meu Espaço
Que Deus em sua infinita graça te abençoe ricamente
Pastora Missionária Rejane Basile Barr

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