The content of the Christian message is found in the book that Christians believe was given by God as a revelation of Himself – the Bible.
The Bible tells us things about God that we could not know otherwise. What follows is based solely and completely on that book.The Bible’s message begins with God.
1 The Bible does not argue God’s existence – it simply states it, assuming that man knows that God exists.
2 In fact, the Bible says that the created universe around us is sufficient to demonstrate the existence of God.
3The Bible says there is only one God.
4 He is the Creator of all that is.
5 He is not a part of creation, but is distinct from creation, for He existed prior to the created universe, and was under no compulsion to bring the universe into existence. God is spirit and has always been – He never “started” at some point in time. He is eternal.
6 Because God has created all things, and because God Himself is personal and creates with a reason, then all things have purpose and meaning.
7 God is holy.
8 He is the absolute standard of goodness itself – there is nothing evil or corrupt in God.
9 Because He is holy, He must punish evil.God is personal – in fact, the Bible tells us that God is tri-personal; that is, that the one being of God is shared by three eternal persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This would be contradictory if we said that God was one being and three beings, or one person and three persons, but as long as one remembers that being and personality are different things, the Bible’s teaching is quite clear.
10 And, though it is one of the greatest mysteries of all, we are told that God is loving, merciful, and kind10 – and that despite man’s rebellion against Him!
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Que Deus em sua infinita graça te abençoe ricamente
Pastora Missionária Rejane Basile Barr