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Is it lawful to divorce?

As Jesus was sometimes a series of questions. One was whether the divorce was lawful. This question has great practical value, since we live in a country where a large percentage of marriages end in divorce.

Is it lawful to divorce? Jesus said no. 

"Therefore what God has joined together no man put asunder" (Matthew 19:6, Mark 10:9). 

Divorce is wrong because it separates what God has joined together. Divorce is wrong because it promised to be with my wife until death do us part, and if they violate this vow, I become a liar. Divorce is wrong because it takes my wife to commit adultery (Matthew 5:31-32). Divorce is wrong even though I did not marry again.

If I am divorced, can I remarry? Jesus said, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery" (Luke 16:18). Paul explained that the law of God binds a person to his partner to death. So if someone marries a person standing on the other, that one commits adultery (Romans 7:3-4). Divorcees who remarry commit adultery while the legal spouse living.

There is one exception to this teaching. Jesus said: "It is because of fornication" (Matthew 19:9). Whoever divorces because of fornication and marries again not commit adultery. If one is abandoned by the spouse for any reason, however, he commits adultery by marrying again. And who leaves their spouse for no other reason than illicit sexual intercourse is adultery to remarry.

The teaching of Jesus remains valid despite the human attempt to deviate from it.

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