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'...With God all things are possible" Mathews 19:26
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Uma vida dedicada ao evangelho
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A life dedicated to the gospel

The Old Testament teaches about the Problem of Sin

Sin, the main problem of man and the cause of separation between us and the Creator, is well explained from the first chapters of the Bible. Adam and Eve sinned, Cain sinned, and so on humans, created to have fellowship with God, turned their backs on him.

Sin, Death and Blood

God gives us life (Acts 17:28). When we understand that sin separates us from the Creator, we begin to understand that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). We must understand also the role of blood the forgiveness of sins. The blood is linked to life (Genesis 9:4), the shedding of blood is linked to death and, therefore, sin.

Since the first sin, sin brings bloodshed. When Adam and Eve sinned, God killed animals to "cover" their shame (Genesis 3:21). At the time of the patriarchs, the faithful made animal sacrifices for sin (Job 1:5, 42:8). Under the law of Moses, the Israelites were sacrifices that included the shedding of blood (Leviticus 6:30). These sacrifices were necessary, though ineffective, did not bring forgiveness for real men (Hebrews 10:3-4).

Any sick person who seeks help from a doctor wants two things: (1) diagnosis and (2) the remedy. The Old Testament need only answer the first, clearly showing the problem of sin. Paul said, "... the law comes knowledge of sin " (Romans 3:20). The second need, the remedy lies in the New Testament, which tells us about the blood of Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:22).



"You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well." by Lewis B. Smedes.

I came across this quote and thought how appropriate, especially since it was said many thousands of years ago by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It was stated in a different way, but it still comes to the same meaning. When Jesus hung on the cross he said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34 KJV

It is not always easy to forgive. There may be those who have hurt us unawares: we may still still be harboring that hurt, which will only be a waste of our thoughts and energies, and many times destroy our health.

Let us make a conscious effort today to give all our hurts to the Lord, and forgive the ones who hurt us, and as the quote says, "Feel the power to wish them well."

The result will be, "See how well you feel."

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