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'...With God all things are possible" Mathews 19:26
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Todas as terças-feiras às 15hs Brasil
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Uma vida dedicada ao evangelho
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Every friday 3pm in Brazil
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A life dedicated to the gospel

Prayer and work

N Chapters 1 and 2 of the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah learned of the situation they found the people of Israel, so he wept and lamented much. Raised his prayer to God and cried out for mercy to those who loved him and keeping his commandments.

The people had been separated - some were in exile, others in the province. Nehemiah also made ​​it clear that the error stemmed from the very people who had transgressed the word of God. In his prayer he says to God that in spite of sins, they were still his servants and the people who had been rescued with great power by his mighty hand.

Nehemiah used his influence with the king Ataxerxes to get rebuilt, along with the people, the walls of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed. By achieving the authorization cards and that he be allowed to come into Judah, because the good hand of God was with him, Nehemiah encourages the people to rebuild the walls and the work begins.

With these passages we see the importance of unity and cooperation so that a proposal is carried out. The people of Israel suffered the consequences of their sins and that God is not delighted. Nehemiah, suffering by the people who lost the companionship of God, prayed and asked for mercy. When people join to rebuilding the city walls, we see their willingness to serve God.

Today, we have the same duty that Nehemiah, to maintain our strength in the foot, which is the word of God.

If the work of spreading the word and spiritual growth of Christians are weakening, we, like Nehemiah, pray to God, acknowledging sin that part of ourselves and we know the eternal promise. We must join forces with the congregation to not overshadow the work and remain abandoned, as was the case during the decades before the return of Nehemiah, the city walls of Jerusalem.

About struggles, praise

Today let's talk about fighting for I know that the fight is great but I have faith that God is already preparing your victory, just trust and follow.

In the Lord's time everything will be alright, even if the fight was great but your God is greater trust and your victory will be larger, have faith and believe.

When it's something to think about fighting in your life remember that God loves you and was on the cross so you could be here so praise Him, thank every single day that you get out of your bed and see the sun, another day, as many did not rise to see this beautiful day that God is allowing you to see, has been a miracle in your life!

Do not complain because our words have power and everything planted, harvested. Plant good things, so you can reap wonderful things.

About struggles, praise!

If the fight is great praise, know that God is with you at all times.

God allows struggles to come over your life and allowed Job's struggles in life but in the end will be a great victory.

You may be humbled now but God will exalt you then do not give up amidst the struggle, do not stop fighting.

God will never forsake his child and let that be ashamed and helpless.

Keep strong and God will give you victory, even harder to continue with the struggle for thy blessing will be great. What do you think about fighting ? Review, God bless you!

You are not alone!

S and you sometimes think about why he is still trying to live as a Christian, you're not alone. If you occasionally feel you are not making much progress in their spiritual growth, you're not alone.

If you often think that no one else seems to be struggling with the problems the way you are, you're not alone. If you feel the temptation to give up, you're not alone. Many Christians sometimes feel the same way.

There are many things that discourage Christians. Sometimes we become restless with these trials (using the language of Paul - 1 Thessalonians 3:3, where he comments on the chase).

Our own failures may serve to discourage us. The size of some of the spiritual and moral challenges we face can be overwhelming for us. Sometimes Christians are simply "overcome" the difficulties of life that even people in the world face.

Some get discouraged when they are reprimanded by others, even when the rebuke is deserved. The sins of other Christians, especially the hypocrisy, can make us discouraged.
We need to remember several things to not give up. The apostle Peter said to his readers "not strange concerning the fiery trial which is among you" (1 Peter 4:12). Indeed, "all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12).

The afflictions are still true and often difficult, but should not be unexpected. And do not forget: we have the example of Jesus to encourage us (Hebrews 12:2-3).

Those who suffer from personal problems or weakness of character often think that nobody else has similar difficulties. They look at the other brothers and see the calm exterior, but not the internal difficulties.

We can not justify our own weakness, the weakness of others, but we must also recognize that others are in the same battle against the flesh that we are.Regardless of what kind of temptation we face, there is something uniquely ours (1 Corinthians 10:12).

We understand the wisdom of the admonition of James: "Confess your sins to one another" (5:16). We can not just pray for each other, but we also learn of our common challenges against evil.

We must remember that God has promised to empower us through His Word, to give us everything we need for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). He gave us brothers, although imperfect, to encourage us (Acts 28:15, Hebrews 10:24-25).

Finally, we must take courage from the fact that God does not abandon his children. The same love which moved the Father to send His Son to die on a Roman cross is even more certain to continue to justify and sanctify those who responded to his offer of grace (Romans 5:5-10).

David faced Goliath with courage, even as a young shepherd carrying only a sling and five smooth stones. He knew that God was with him. You are not alone!

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